Happy Thanksgiving! As we all reflect on our blessings at this time of year, I can’t help but thank God for my family and how fortunate I am to be educating my children at home. I know that this is what God is calling me to do, and I am rewarded everyday with getting to spend precious time with the children that I have been entrusted. It is not always easy, but I know that I am in it for the long run, and I can do what I can and that the Holy Spirit will cover the rest. It is exciting to see the growth of each child after the day in and day out of our homeschool and I know that the milestones will keep coming as we continue.
Naturally with Thanksgiving this month, we have been devoting our morning time session to learning all about the Pilgrims and the first Thanksgiving. Through reading living books, it became evident that the Pilgrims risked and gave up a lot to escape religious persecution to live how God called them. I am determined to follow the Pilgrim’s example if any roadblocks present themselves in my own spiritual and homeschooling life. We need to remember the adversity that the Pilgrims lived through and remember that we have it pretty good.
If you are interested in getting a little Pilgrim inspiration, here is a read aloud version of the Landmark book, “The Landing of the Pilgrims.” Enjoy!