Tomatoes, purple basil, peppers, cucumbers, tulips, air plants, and more! That’s what we had to offer our community at the first market of the season. I was pleased with what we had available thanks to our greenhouse. I would have liked to have had more flowers available for the first market, but plenty will be available throughout the year. Most of the tulips had bloomed around Easter. I had a few spare ones that kept in our spare fridge nicely. Now that I know they keep well in the fridge, and since I have a commercial fridge on the way to the farm this month, I can plan ahead and purchase more tulip bulbs for next year’s season. This is only our first year so we are still learning!

My fifteen-year-old brought some of the knives that he made out of old saw blades along with some other wooden creations. I look forward to seeing what people like and how well our products do at the different markets. This past weekend was the first of many of the season and we have another evening one this week which will be at a different location. I look forward to seeing who we are able to meet there!