Building a Solid Foundation on Jesus: The Isosceles Triangle Principle

“But seek first His Kingdom and His Righteousness and all these things will be given to you as well” Matthew 6:33

In life, the strength of our foundation can often determine the stability and success of our endeavors. Like an isosceles triangle with its two equal legs firmly grounded on a solid base, we, too, must ensure that our foundation is on The Rock in order to weather the storms of life.

The term “Isosceles” finds its roots in Greek, where it means “equal legs.” This symmetry is more than just a mathematical concept; it can serve as a powerful metaphor for our lives. Just as the two legs of an isosceles triangle are of equal length, we must have both legs in the foundation of Jesus, our base.


In the parable of the wise and foolish builders, Jesus emphasized the importance of a strong foundation. A house built on solid rock withstood the storms, while one built on sand crumbled. This parable isn’t just for non-Christians; it’s a lesson for all, including especially Christians.

Our lives often mirror this parable. We may construct “houses” such as ministries or future plans on sandy foundations, believing them to be secure. Yet, it’s only when we bring our plans and desires before God and first seek His will that our foundations our built on Him.

It’s easy to assume that our good intentions align with God’s will. However, God’s plans are the only ones built on The Rock: Jesus. Many times, we discover that our own plans are not in sync with His purpose. This can be disheartening, even painful, as we watch our carefully laid-out plans crumble.

Instead of clinging to our own designs and desires, we should surrender them to God. By submitting to His will, we allow Him to reshape our plans and dreams into something that truly stands the test of time. It might be difficult to let go, but the results can be eternal.

Remember, it’s not about what we want, but what God wants for us. His plans are the ones that will endure, and they will lead to a more fulfilling and purposeful life. So, let go of the sand and embrace the Rock, and watch as God’s plans unfold in your life, bringing stability and joy beyond measure.

Empowered Learning: Tapping into God’s Power for Homeschooling Success

Homeschooling is a journey that requires dedication, patience, and a vital source of empowerment. As Christian homeschoolers, we have a unique advantage—the power of God that is readily available to us when we obediently align ourselves with His will. Much like the parable of the Talents illustrates, God rewards our faithfulness and obedience by multiplying our efforts. In our spiritual lives and mathematical concepts like powers or exponents, we can find profound lessons that apply to our homeschooling experience.
In the parable of the Talents (Matthew 25:14-30), Jesus teaches us the value of obedience and faithfulness. The master entrusted his servants with various amounts of talents, symbolizing the unique gifts and opportunities God grants each of us. Those who faithfully managed their gifts were rewarded with even more responsibilities. This parallels our homeschooling journey; as we remain faithful in teaching and nurturing our children’s education, God blesses us with increased wisdom and effectiveness.
In mathematics, exponents or powers exhibit a fascinating similarity to the principle of obedience and reward. When we raise a number to a higher power, it grows exponentially faster than through other mathematical operations. Similarly, when we faithfully obey God’s call in our homeschooling efforts, His power works within us to amplify our impact on our children’s lives.
Just as exponents magnify numbers, God’s power magnifies our abilities as homeschooling parents. This divine strength is available daily, waiting for us to tap into it. On days when we consciously connect with God’s power, we feel empowered, capable, and equipped to handle the challenges that homeschooling can present. However, we might feel depleted, struggling, and ineffective when we neglect this connection.
Much like the exponential growth (powers) of numbers, our connection with God’s power compounds over time. Consistently plugging into His strength daily builds a foundation of resilience, patience, and creativity. Without this connection, we risk running on empty—much like a vehicle without fuel. Our efforts might feel in vain, and our labor may lack the impact it could have with God’s power behind it.
Just as a higher exponent leads to a more significant number, allowing God’s power to flow through us increases our potential. We open ourselves to God’s transformative influence through prayer, devotion, and surrender. Our homeschooling endeavors become more effective, impactful, and rewarding.
As Christians, we must align ourselves with God’s will and tap into His power. The parable of the Talents teaches us the rewards of faithfulness, and exponents remind us of the exponential growth that occurs through obedience. Through daily connection with God’s power, we can navigate the challenges of homeschooling with strength and confidence. Remember, just as a higher exponent yields a greater outcome, letting God’s power flow through us allows us to achieve remarkable results in our homeschooling journey. So, let us remain faithful in the little things, trusting that God’s power will magnify our efforts beyond measure.

Embracing the Beautiful V-Shaped Victory: Reflecting God’s Love through Absolute Value

“Dear Children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth” 1 John 3:18
In mathematics and faith, an intriguing concept beautifully merges the two – absolute value. Picture this: when you graph the absolute value function, it takes the form of a triumphant V-shape, akin to the symbol of victory. But there’s more to this metaphor than meets the eye. Just as the absolute value function helps us understand the distance of a number from zero, our relationship with Jesus is the anchor for our spiritual journey.
Embracing Victory through Jesus: The Absolute Value Connection
Imagine the absolute value function as a visual representation of our faith journey. We accepted Jesus as our Savior, and His love for us is as unchanging as the absolute value of a number. He loves you absolutely, without sin and shame. He gives us victory; we just have to accept it. The absolute value function strips away the negativity and focuses solely on the positive value, reminding us of the boundless love that Jesus has for each one of us. x = |-x|
Spreading God’s Victory, Even in Trials
Sometimes, life takes an unexpected turn, like flipping the absolute value to its negative counterpart. In these moments, it can feel like our victory and joy are slipping away. Doubts and challenges cloud our perspective, and we might even question the authenticity of our faith.
Interestingly, the world watches closely, sometimes without us even realizing it. As we analyze the absolute value function graph, people observe our lives to see if our faith can withstand trials. They’re curious if our victory in Christ is genuine or merely a facade.
When you find yourself in challenging situations, don’t shy away. Let your victory pour out for all to see. You reflect His love and grace by trusting Jesus during tough times. Even on your most challenging days, your faith can be a beacon of hope for those watching. Let your actions and attitudes be a testament to the realness of God’s love and victory. Paul let Jesus use him to pour out His love to others so they might have victory over sin. Paul: “Even if I am to be poured out as a drink offering upon the sacrificial offering of your faith, I am glad and rejoice with you all.” Phil 2:17
You are now allowed to pour out that victory onto others.
The metaphor of the absolute value function and its V-shaped graph is a powerful reminder of our journey with Jesus. Embrace your unchanging victory in Christ, even when circumstances flip things upside down. Let your life be a testimony that reflects God’s love and triumph, even in the face of challenges. As you do so, you’ll continue to pour out God’s Victory onto those around you, reminding them of the realness of God’s love and the victorious life we have in Jesus.