A Different Perpective

In the  midst of life’s trials and tribulations, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed and discouraged. Often, when we take a closer look at our circumstances or dwell on our failures, we find ourselves trapped in what can be described as the “Angle of Depression.” But there’s another perspective, a better perspective, known as the “Angle of Elevation.” Just like in math, where these two angles are identical, it’s not the angle that changes but where we choose to focus our gaze.
Recently a parent gifted me with a book called “God Hears Her” by The Daily Bread. Today, I read the page from Julie Ackerman Link’s “From Bad to Worse.” The story of Moses and the Israelites in the Bible offers a moving reminder that obedience to God does not guarantee a smooth, trouble-free path. We see how Moses, obedient to God’s call, faced increasing challenges and hardships when he went to Pharaoh to speak on behalf of the Israelites. Sometimes, obeying God leads us through difficult and trying circumstances. It may seem like things are getting worse before they get better.
The Angle of Depression: When we focus solely on our circumstances, our failures, or our shortcomings, we are looking at life from the Angle of Depression. This perspective can be disheartening and debilitating. It’s like staring down into a deep, dark pit of despair. We see only the challenges, the obstacles, and the pain. In this state, we might question God’s plan and wonder if our obedience was in vain.
The Angle of Elevation: On the other hand, there’s the Angle of Elevation. This perspective is about looking up to God, even in the face of adversity. It’s an act of faith and trust, acknowledging that God is in control, no matter how bleak things may appear. When we turn our gaze upward, we find hope, strength, and a source of unwavering support. It’s a posture of surrender and dependence on the Almighty.
In life, we have a choice between these two angles. Satan often tempts us to focus on the Angle of Depression, which cripples us and paralyzes our ministry. It magnifies our fears and insecurities, preventing us from fulfilling God’s call on our lives. However, choosing the Angle of Elevation empowers us to rise above our circumstances, enabling us to complete all that God has asked of us. From God’s perspective, our failures and shortcomings are not obstacles; they are opportunities. He can use them to glorify Himself and to shape us into the people He wants us to become. When we cry out to Him from the Angle of Elevation, He hears us and responds. He lifts our spirits out of despair and into His presence, where we find comfort, guidance, and the strength to overcome.
In a world that often seems filled with challenges and disappointments, it’s crucial to remember that our perspective matters. The Angle of Depression may seem like the default view when life gets tough, but we have the choice to shift our gaze upward to the Angle of Elevation. When we look to God for answers and trust in His plan, we find hope, purpose, and the ability to navigate life’s challenges with unwavering faith. So, let’s choose the Angle of Elevation, for it is there that we discover God’s grace and strength to carry us through.
Thank you for all the comments on my posts.  I wasn’t sure if anyone was actually reading them.

Is this worth it?

I have been actively working on Blogging and I decided to also post on this site. But it feels like a ghost town. I think on FB at least it gives me stats on the number of people who click on it and read my posts. So if I don’t get likes or comments as least I know that someone is reading it. Can you tell me if anyone is actually reading my posts?

God Created All Mankind in His Image: Lessons from the Scalene Triangle

“So God created mankind in His Own Image, in the Image of God He created them; male and female He created them.” Gensis 1:27

In a world often divided by differences, we tend to fear what is dissimilar to us. We engage in heated arguments with those who hold contrasting opinions, and we sometimes believe that there can be no connection with people who seem entirely unlike us. However, amidst this divisiveness, there is a powerful lesson we can learn from the humble scalene triangle.

The scalene triangle, a basic geometric shape, is unique in that it has no equal sides and no equal angles. Each side of the triangle stands alone, seemingly disconnected from the others, yet they all converge at a single point, forming a complete triangle. At first glance, these lines appear to be unrelated, but when they come together, they create a harmonious whole. In essence, the scalene triangle symbolizes the potential for connection among seemingly unconnected elements.


According to Christian belief, Jesus Christ, through His sacrifice on the cross, brings together disjointed lives and dysfunctional families to create something unique and beautiful, much like the scalene triangle. When Jesus gave His life for us, He tipped the scales, allowing us to approach God as His beloved children, We are all His Children.

In our own lives, we often feel disjointed, unequal, and seemingly random, just like the sides of a scalene triangle. But just as Jesus can transform our lives, He can also make connections with others that defy human understanding. He can use our unique qualities, experiences, and perspectives to bring people together for His Glory. Just as the scalene triangle’s sides, which have nothing in common, come together at a vertex to create a triangle, so too can individuals with diverse backgrounds and perspectives come together to achieve something greater for God.

So, the next time you encounter a scalene triangle, let it serve as a reminder of the remarkable power of connection. Just as these seemingly unrelated lines can form a triangle, so too can individuals from different walks of life find common ground and create unity. We must allow Jesus to heal the divisions in our lives and communities, transforming our disjointed existences and allowing Him to turn us into His Masterpiece.

Where Is Your Focus? The Center of a Graph is called the Origin

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding;  in all your ways submit to Him, and He will make your paths straight.” Proverbs 3:5 – 6

In the hustle and bustle of today’s world, it’s all too easy to find ourselves pulled in multiple directions, our attention fragmented by a constant stream of distractions. It’s as if we are constantly in search of our center, a point of balance that seems increasingly elusive. In the realm of mathematics, there’s a concept known as the parent graph, which serves as the foundation for various functions and equations. This parent graph is centered precisely at the origin of the graph, serving as its focal point. In our lives, just like in math, we need a center,  that center is God.

Picture a simple circle on a graph with its center point at (0, 0). This circle is centered at the origin, undistracted by circumstances. But life is seldom as straightforward as mathematics. Distractions, challenges, and temptations continually enter our lives, shifting our center of focus away from where it should be: God. Our lives can easily be compared to that circle on the graph, where external factors pull our center of attention in different directions.

When our center shifts from God to worldly distractions, we start to feel adrift, lost in the chaos of life. The more we allow these distractions to consume us, the farther we drift from God. It’s a pattern familiar to many, as the pressures of daily life, ambitions, and desires lure us away from what truly matters.

But here’s the key: just as in mathematics, where we can recalibrate our graphs and equations to return them to the origin, God has the power to reset our focus and realign our lives with Him at the center. It’s a conscious choice to eliminate the distractions that have crept in and to reevaluate our priorities.

Returning to God as our central focus isn’t about ignoring our circumstances or situations. It’s about viewing them through a different lens, one that acknowledges His presence and guidance in our lives. When God is our center, we gain clarity of purpose, a sense of peace, and resilience in the face of life’s challenges. We become less swayed by the ever-changing currents of the world and more anchored in our faith.

The journey back to God as our focus is a personal and ongoing one. It involves regular self-examination, prayer, and reflection. It means making choices that prioritize our spiritual well-being and nurture our relationship with God. It’s about recognizing that the distractions and temptations of the world will always be there but understanding that we have the power to choose where we anchor our focus.


In a world filled with endless distractions, it’s crucial to pause and ask yourself: “Where is my focus?” Is it on the fleeting pleasures and worries of the world, or is it on something greater, something eternal? Much like recalibrating a graph to its origin, shifting our focus back to God can bring clarity, purpose, and a deep sense of fulfillment to our lives. It’s a choice worth making, for in God, we find our true center, our unwavering focal point amidst the chaos of life.