Line Segments: Embracing the Short Journey
Math in Words: God’s Instructional Language
Second Generation of Homeschooling – The Miracle of a Woman who Persevered with her Headstrong Daughter
I am so excited!! My daughter came to me last year and told me she was going to homeschool her children. Do you know I cried my eyes out? I still tear up when I think of God’s blessings and the full circle He leads our children. Now, let me tell you the back story of this miracle, especially for those parents who are having a rough time with homeschooling.
Wind back the clock to almost 15 years earlier. My daughter told me how horrible I was for homeschooling her. How she missed out on so many things. She told me she would NEVER homeschool her kids and didn’t understand how I could do it. Now, she didn’t hate homeschooling, but she didn’t like it either. She was social and didn’t really understand the real reasons a parent homeschools their children. Now, this was in the 90s, and I homeschooled, and as some of you older homeschool moms can attest to, it was hard! We didn’t have all your choices in curriculum or opportunities with online programs. We created most of our own lessons unless we went with Abeka or BJU. I remember my first conversion, and I thought it was overwhelming. Now I go to them, and I really know what overwhelming is. So I want to encourage you younger women that have those teenagers that just don’t get it. Keep going!! it is so worth seeing my grandchildren protected from this world for a few more years because I persevered so many years ago with my headstrong teenage daughter.
We have such a faithful God, and if He is telling you to homeschool, you go girl!!