Beyond Mean, Median, and Mode – God’s Grace is a Gift, Just Receive It

“For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith- and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God- not by works, so that no one can boast.” Ephesians 2:8-9
In the arithmetic of life, some believe in a cosmic balance sheet, hoping their good deeds will outweigh the bad, granting them passage through heaven’s gates. However, God’s calculus isn’t a mere tallying of deeds; it demands perfection. God, being holy, requires 100% goodness, a feat unattainable by human efforts alone. We can only stand before God because of Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross. The mean, often equated with averaging, suggests we can tip the scales in our favor. Yet, God’s standard transcends human calculations. Only through Jesus, who intercedes between our imperfections and God’s holiness, can we find the perfection required for heavenly dwelling. Consider the median, akin to the mean but with a twist – canceling out good and bad deeds until only one number remains. Living in uncertainty, hoping this result secures our place in heaven, is a fearful existence. Thankfully, we don't have to live in such uncertainty. Through Jesus, we can know with certainty that we stand cleansed before God. Another misconception is finding a mode, a singular skill or attribute, to pave our way to heaven. Yet, even a mode of all good deeds falls short. It’s not our merits but Jesus who enables us to stand before God as His children. By inviting Him into our hearts, we secure a place in God’s kingdom, not through a collection of good deeds but through a relationship with the Savior. God’s calculus is not about hoping we’ve done enough or excelling in a single skill. It’s about acknowledging our need for a Savior, recognizing Jesus as the bridge between our imperfections and God’s holiness. In this certainty, we find peace, knowing that our place in God’s kingdom is secured not by our efforts but by His grace.

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