God Created All Mankind in His Image: Lessons from the Scalene Triangle

“So God created mankind in His Own Image, in the Image of God He created them; male and female He created them.” Gensis 1:27

In a world often divided by differences, we tend to fear what is dissimilar to us. We engage in heated arguments with those who hold contrasting opinions, and we sometimes believe that there can be no connection with people who seem entirely unlike us. However, amidst this divisiveness, there is a powerful lesson we can learn from the humble scalene triangle.

The scalene triangle, a basic geometric shape, is unique in that it has no equal sides and no equal angles. Each side of the triangle stands alone, seemingly disconnected from the others, yet they all converge at a single point, forming a complete triangle. At first glance, these lines appear to be unrelated, but when they come together, they create a harmonious whole. In essence, the scalene triangle symbolizes the potential for connection among seemingly unconnected elements.


According to Christian belief, Jesus Christ, through His sacrifice on the cross, brings together disjointed lives and dysfunctional families to create something unique and beautiful, much like the scalene triangle. When Jesus gave His life for us, He tipped the scales, allowing us to approach God as His beloved children, We are all His Children.

In our own lives, we often feel disjointed, unequal, and seemingly random, just like the sides of a scalene triangle. But just as Jesus can transform our lives, He can also make connections with others that defy human understanding. He can use our unique qualities, experiences, and perspectives to bring people together for His Glory. Just as the scalene triangle’s sides, which have nothing in common, come together at a vertex to create a triangle, so too can individuals with diverse backgrounds and perspectives come together to achieve something greater for God.

So, the next time you encounter a scalene triangle, let it serve as a reminder of the remarkable power of connection. Just as these seemingly unrelated lines can form a triangle, so too can individuals from different walks of life find common ground and create unity. We must allow Jesus to heal the divisions in our lives and communities, transforming our disjointed existences and allowing Him to turn us into His Masterpiece.

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