These are Comets Kids Dancer and Dasher. Dancer is the black and white goat, Dasher is the brown goat. Both are males and we are planning to process Dasher. We will replace Prancer with Dancer.
Month: April 2024

This is Gruff. He is a lionhead rabbit that my aunt brought with her on her move to Saskatchewan. I will be breeding him with Button, our only female lionhead on the property. My mother suggested that I start a side hustle selling lionhead rabbits. I thought about doing this sort of thing before but…

The Little Birdie
I found this bird on the front porch a few days ago. After doing some searching i found out that it was a Dark Eyed Junco. I assumed the bird had hit the window because half an hour before I heard a bang at the porch window. The bird looked injured so I brought it…

The New Puppy Pen
The puppies have got a new pen in the barn. They were getting to big and to stinky, so we knew they had to go out to the barn. There was a bit of a struggle finding out where they would go though, because Comet is expected to kid soon and we wanted to have…

Five Fluffy Bunnies
These are two bunnies from the newest litter in the big pen. These bunnies are so cute and fluffy, but they keep hopping over to another nest in that pen. We are afraid that this litter is taking the milk from the younger litter.

Playful Puppies
The puppy trio has been getting more energy every day. We have brought them outside for the last three days in a row. Just today I had to crawl under the porch to grab the puppies, Little peanut was even stuck in a window well.

The Puppies Strange Sleeping Habits
These puppies didn’t really get inherit Dodges fur colour but they did get her sleeping habits. SO sometimes they when they sleep they will have paws in the air and stick out their togue and it is so cute. The puppy trio is getting very good at walking and opened their eyes a few days…

The Unexpected Litters of Bunnies
These litters of rabbits popped up about 2 weeks ago. We notice the rabbits acting strangely last month but we didn’t breed any rabbits around that time. So there was definitely a male in that pen. After we found the and removed him there were two rabbits that had some babies. We think there is…