The Northern lights came to Canada last night at about 12:00 o’clock. Apparently there was a big solar flare and that’s what caused the lights to show up. The reports said it was the biggest solar flare since 1859. Sadly, I couldn’t see it in person because I had already went to bed. My aunt…
Author: Dominic

Curious Chloe
Chloe is the most energetic out of the three puppies. Every time I go out to the barn for morning chores Chloe is attacking my feet. They are going to be 8 weeks on May 15. My oldest brother said he was going to to take Ace when he gets to Saskatchewan. We will keep…

Beautiful Bagels
My mother is baking some bagels today, they are cinnamon raisin flavour. There isn’t very much different about the dough than the majority of bread recipes except for there being one egg in the bagels. We didn’t have any creamcheese by the time the bagels where done, but they are pretty good with butter too.

The Greenhouse
This is our greenhouse. We started building it almost three weeks ago. It has been on hold most of this week because of the rain. The wood that was used to make the greenhouse was from an old hay feeder from the cow barn. With this new project we started a new weekly family game,…

The Angora Rabbits
These are my aunts angora rabbits. Fern is the gray bunny and the white one is named Luna. She picked these rabbits before she Moved here to Saskatchewan. Angoras need a lot more care than other rabbit breeds to maintain a healthy coat of fur. Sunflower seeds will provide the angora with oil to keep…

Dancer and Dasher
These are Comets Kids Dancer and Dasher. Dancer is the black and white goat, Dasher is the brown goat. Both are males and we are planning to process Dasher. We will replace Prancer with Dancer.

This is Gruff. He is a lionhead rabbit that my aunt brought with her on her move to Saskatchewan. I will be breeding him with Button, our only female lionhead on the property. My mother suggested that I start a side hustle selling lionhead rabbits. I thought about doing this sort of thing before but…

The Little Birdie
I found this bird on the front porch a few days ago. After doing some searching i found out that it was a Dark Eyed Junco. I assumed the bird had hit the window because half an hour before I heard a bang at the porch window. The bird looked injured so I brought it…

The New Puppy Pen
The puppies have got a new pen in the barn. They were getting to big and to stinky, so we knew they had to go out to the barn. There was a bit of a struggle finding out where they would go though, because Comet is expected to kid soon and we wanted to have…

Five Fluffy Bunnies
These are two bunnies from the newest litter in the big pen. These bunnies are so cute and fluffy, but they keep hopping over to another nest in that pen. We are afraid that this litter is taking the milk from the younger litter.