This is Flamethrower and he is very depressed. He has been sitting here for almost an hour now. He might be so depressed because he just got a bucket of water dumped on him by some bad bunnies on his way to a play rehearsal. He has been watching a Christmas show called “The Polar…
Author: Dominic

The Piano Bunny
This is Forest and he is learning the piano. Yesterday i went out to see the bunnies and Forest told me that he wanted to start playing the piano. So i found him some lessons for piano and got him started. Now we have a little bunny that likes to play the piano.

The Mother Puppy
This is Dodge, we are expecting her to have a litter of puppies any day now. my mom looked what the breed of dog the puppies would and the cross between a border collie and a Labrador retriever is called a borderdor. Yes Dodge isn’t really a puppy anymore but it is still cute.

Soda Bunny
This is Cotton and she is very energetic right now because she found the secret stash of soda in the basement. I went and looked at the contents of the bottle that she drank and it said that it had 44 grams of sugar in it and that is a lot for one little bunny….

Bunny Interview: Patch
This is Patch, he is one of the beige bunnies. Since there is a prank war going on between the white bunnies and the beige bunnies I am going to try and find out the cause. I interviewed (it’s actually interrogation) Patch and here is how it went: Me and my sister forest are innocent….

Bunny Interview: Stewart
This is Stewart. I was able to get an interview with Stewart about the prank war going on between the white bunnies and the beige bunnies and I was able get her to share her side of the story with us and this is what she said. “one day me and my brother Steve were…

The Bunny War
The tension is rising between the white bunnies and the beige bunnies. After the beige bunnies insulted the white bunnies intelligence, strength, overall skill, and their personality. The white bunnies decided to dump a whole bunch of wet hay on the beige bunnies and things drastically escalated from there. Over the last week the beige…

Unnamed Bunnies
These are the only two bunnies from the new litter that don’t have names yet, the other three are named Jet, forest, and patch. My mother asked her niece about naming one, she responded with the name Stue. So what do all you think we should name them.

The Little Baby Bunny
This is one of the newest additions to our farm. This is soup, one of the five bunnies from Flares litter. I was trying to get a group photo with all five bunnies in the shot but they had just opened their eyes and wanted to explore, one of them even jump off the bin…

5 New Bunnies In The Barn!
This is Flare and she had her litter of bunnies last night. We are not sure whether there are three or four baby bunnies in the litter so far. Their father Match was very colourful so we are excited to see how they look when they grow up. (I couldn’t get a good picture of…