The border collie is one of the best farm dogs out there and they are always by your side. So , come with me and we will find out what these dogs are like.
Most border collies are black and white, their snout goes about 6 inches in front of their face when they are full grown, and they always have a nice coat of fur for the winter season. Even when they are young they can get up to speeds of 25 to 30 miles per hour. When a border collie is a puppy they are very playful little buddies, although they can be quite a pain because sometimes if they don’t get enough attention a little puppy might start chewing stuff up around the house. They are often used as working dogs on a farm when they are older but some people just have them as pets.
Border Collies are very obedient work dogs when they are trained right, they are almost like a blessing in disguise to help us and comfort us when we need it. I believe these little blessings are one of Gods several ways of looking out for us. I hope you have learned a lot from this because I sure did.
P.S. Here is a picture of our border collie (Storm is her name) from when she was a puppy.
How old is Storm?
She was about 1 or 2 months when this picture was taken but she is about 7 and a half months now.