This is Gruff with Lefty and Righty and they are the new bunny gang that just came to town. They are going to be doing stuff like messing up pavement, toilet papering barns, and send not nice letters to old people. Beware because the Gruffy gang is in the streets!
Category: Rabbits

A Bunny in a Box
I had to put this bunny in a box because it was getting it’s fur everywhere. I was covered from head to toe with bunny hair, it was all over the couch and even floating in the air. Apparently rabbits will viciously shed their fur when they feel scared.

Torchies magnificent menu
Torch made a new menu for his restaurant. It has fan favorites like is signature Torch fries, The Torch shawarma which has fries in it, and the Torch Coffee. The new menu has gotten many five star rating from happy costumers, but the only thing they ordered was the Torch fries.

The Angora Rabbits
These are my aunts angora rabbits. Fern is the gray bunny and the white one is named Luna. She picked these rabbits before she Moved here to Saskatchewan. Angoras need a lot more care than other rabbit breeds to maintain a healthy coat of fur. Sunflower seeds will provide the angora with oil to keep…

This is Gruff. He is a lionhead rabbit that my aunt brought with her on her move to Saskatchewan. I will be breeding him with Button, our only female lionhead on the property. My mother suggested that I start a side hustle selling lionhead rabbits. I thought about doing this sort of thing before but…

Five Fluffy Bunnies
These are two bunnies from the newest litter in the big pen. These bunnies are so cute and fluffy, but they keep hopping over to another nest in that pen. We are afraid that this litter is taking the milk from the younger litter.

The Unexpected Litters of Bunnies
These litters of rabbits popped up about 2 weeks ago. We notice the rabbits acting strangely last month but we didn’t breed any rabbits around that time. So there was definitely a male in that pen. After we found the and removed him there were two rabbits that had some babies. We think there is…

Torch Fries
This is Torch and next to him is his new product Torch Fries. Torch Fries are completely original and not just a McDonald’s medium fry with Torch’s face on it. Torchy is very nervous about his fry restaurant getting the okay from the health inspector. The health inspector is gonna be here any minute now…

The Bored Bunny
This is Flamethrower and he is very depressed. He has been sitting here for almost an hour now. He might be so depressed because he just got a bucket of water dumped on him by some bad bunnies on his way to a play rehearsal. He has been watching a Christmas show called “The Polar…

The Piano Bunny
This is Forest and he is learning the piano. Yesterday i went out to see the bunnies and Forest told me that he wanted to start playing the piano. So i found him some lessons for piano and got him started. Now we have a little bunny that likes to play the piano.