This is Coco in space but she isn’t really enjoying it very much. For some reason Coco just decided to trot onto a big space ship and catch a ride up to the great sights of space. Although there is one thing that Coco didn’t account for when she went up to space THERE ARE…
Category: Sheep

Coco In The Snow
This is me and Coco in our drive way and, as you can see, there is lots of snow around us. When my mother took this photo it was Cocos first time roaming in the great outdoors, and it was also the day after we brought her home. As soon as we stepped outside coco…

Coco In Her Natural habitat
You probably know this little lamb by now but if not her name is Coco, and this is the third post I’ve done about her. This is Coco in her natural habitat, inside the house though. You see it isn’t her natural habitat for life, it is just the closest she has for a natural…

Nursing The Little Coco
This is Coco having her second feeding of the day, and she seems to be enjoying it. We give her four feedings a day and they are at 8:00AM, 12:00PM, 4:00PM, and 8:00PM—so we do one every four hours. Every feeding time we give her 3/4 of a cup of goats milk. Yes I know…

The Newest Addition to the Family (And To Our Lives)
This is our newest addition to the farm and her name is Coco. If you didn’t already realize she is a little lamb. We got her on Friday from some friends of ours up the road. She was only born on Tuesday and her mother rejected her when she was born, so we have to…