This is a stuffed Coyote we saw at a museum we went to a few days ago. Coyotes are also called the American jacal, Prairie wolf, and brush wolf.
The average male Coyote can get up to 18 to 44 ib and females are 15 to 40 ib, and can get as long as 3ft 3in to 4ft 5in.
Coyotes are carnivores and their diet consist of birds, rabbits, hares, rodents, amphibians and fish.
Coyotes can be found all over central America all the way up to Northern parts of Canada.
There is a little park I like to walk at called Prairie Wolf Park. I haven’t seen any coyotes there (yet!), but we do hear them at night in the corn field and woods behind out house several times a year. They make terribly eerie sound. Not fun to wake up to during the night!