You can call this bunny Domino or as we like to call her her Dominisnow. She is the mother of Fluffy, Mouse, and all the other bunnies except Torch and Flare. Domino is inside of the same cage as Flare but we have a divider in the middle so they don’t fight each other. Domino…

The Egyptian Vulture
This friendly vulture is called the Egyptian Vulture and it has three different subspecies. The percnopterus can have a wingspan of up to 19 to 21 inches and is the subspecies that is most wide spread through Central Africa and in parts of Asia. The ginginianus can get to a length (from the very tip…

Fluffy Get’s A Treat!
This is Fluffy and i just brought her in from the outside. If you don’t know who Fluffy is you should go to two other post i made Our Bunny Fluffy Before And After 2023and Rabbits at rest those posts tell you all about Fluffy. As shown in this picture here you can see Fluffy…

The Shoe Billed Stork
This is a creature called the Shoe Billed Stork also known as the Whale Billed Stork. This massive bird can get to heights of 110 to 140cm and weigh about 12 to 15kg and a wing span of around 230 to 260cm. The main defining feature on them isn’t their rather non colourful feathers, not…

A Moldy Mystery?
last night me and my mother were in the kitchen going through the refrigerator when we stumbled on this container all the way in the back. The mystery of this unknown substance is what it was before the mold started to grow, when I first saw it I thought it was tortellini by the way…

Coco In The Snow
This is me and Coco in our drive way and, as you can see, there is lots of snow around us. When my mother took this photo it was Cocos first time roaming in the great outdoors, and it was also the day after we brought her home. As soon as we stepped outside coco…

Coco In Her Natural habitat
You probably know this little lamb by now but if not her name is Coco, and this is the third post I’ve done about her. This is Coco in her natural habitat, inside the house though. You see it isn’t her natural habitat for life, it is just the closest she has for a natural…

Nursing The Little Coco
This is Coco having her second feeding of the day, and she seems to be enjoying it. We give her four feedings a day and they are at 8:00AM, 12:00PM, 4:00PM, and 8:00PM—so we do one every four hours. Every feeding time we give her 3/4 of a cup of goats milk. Yes I know…

The Newest Addition to the Family (And To Our Lives)
This is our newest addition to the farm and her name is Coco. If you didn’t already realize she is a little lamb. We got her on Friday from some friends of ours up the road. She was only born on Tuesday and her mother rejected her when she was born, so we have to…

The Magic Bunny part 2!
Mouse the magic bunny has gotten her cardboard coin box and she is now doing entertaining and stunning magic tricks for the public. She is doing mind manipulation, magic eight ball trick, and just plain and normal magic tricks.