These are two of our rabbits from our second litter of bunnies. The one on the left is named Fluffy, and the one on the right is named Tiny-tee. And they are having a good time relaxing on the couch.
Their breed is part lionhead and I don’t really know what the other one is. Their sister Mouse (she isn’t an actual mouse but a rabbit) was still in their cage when this picture was taken. These rabbits live out in our barn and not in the house. Fluffy and Tiny-tee don’t get brought inside very much anymore because they are much bigger and we have another litter of rabbits now.
When this litter was born there was four rabbits, but one got its head stuck in the bars of the cage and died a few days later. After this tragedy occurred we buried him and then we reinforced the cage with cardboard. However, Domino the mother chewed up the cardboard. fortunately the little bunnies heads where too big to fit through the bars of the cage at this point.
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