This is a Snowy Owl and they are most commonly found in Northern Canada, United States, and all across Antarctica.
Snowy Owls mainly eat tiny rodents like lemmings and mice. They can eat 3-4 ounces a day, or 7-12 mice.
Snowy Owls can get a body length of 21-25 in, an average weight of 4-5 ib, and a wingspan of 49-59in.
Snowy owls are currently endangered due to their main food source Lemmings are in short supply.
Have you been lucky enough to see a snowy owl? I’ve only seen one once where I live in Michigan. We heard there was one about an hour away, near Lake Michigan, so we drove out to view it. It was a worthwhile drive, and we took some nice pictures.
That would have been a worthwhile drive! I have yet to see one in person, but they are around my parts in the winter, so there’s hope. I do constantly hear owls on our property, but still don’t see them, so not even sure what they would be. I just checked on what owls would be in my province, so I’ll share this link, if others (like the Saskatchewanian who wrote this post) might be interested in a few of the types: