What does the Bible say about sex education?

Christian sex education

I once read on Facebook from another homeschool mom who found herself having to explain the Bible story of Lot and his daughters (Genesis 19:30-38) to her elementary-age schoolgirls (they asked her what happened after Abraham rescued Lot from Sodom).

Needless to say, the conversation was awkward in the extreme!

What puzzled me, however, were some of the comments to this mom’s original post.

“The Bible is not a children’s book,” one mom wrote in response. “This is why I don’t let them read it by themselves.”

Now, I totally agree with this mom that the Bible isn’t written primarily as a children’s book. It was written to and for adults, sure.

But I think as long as our children are old enough to read, we should never restrict their access to the Bible, including the sexually explicit passages.

For example, I remember being 8 years old or so when I came across the passage of Tamar in my daily devotional time (Genesis 38:1-30).

I didn’t understand everything I read, of course. But I was comfortable enough asking my mom what Onan’s “spilling semen on the ground” meant.

Additionally, my mom was comfortable enough explaining that it was basically Onan refusing to let Tamar conceive and have a child. She went into some anatomical, scientific details of how Onan must have ejaculated his semen prematurely during the act of sexual intercourse, so that the egg was never fertilized.

It was a short conversation, probably about 5 minutes or so, and then I went on to the rest of my homeschool lessons. 🙂

Selected Bible sex ed passages for discussion

Before we dive into the nitty-gritty details, I just want to make sure you know my perspective on sex, which I believe is based on God’s Word and which I think (or hope!) all Christians can agree on. I like this article from Pastor Paul Carter:

Based on your child’s age, I would introduce these Bible passages as springboards for discussion and questions whenever is a good time for your family. Around mealtimes or just before bedtime may be good times for you.

(You may also introduce the Bible passage early in the morning, say nothing about it, and then have all these questions brought up by eager children later in the day or week!)

  • The Body Of Christ (1 Corinthians 12:12-26) – You may not think of this as a passage on sex education, but I think it’s a great start! For example, you could talk about our “less honorable” or “unpresentable” body parts and how we are to treat these with greater honor. It also helps small children think of their bodies as a whole – that any body part (when hurt or honored) affects all the others.
  • The ‘Femme Fatale’ (Proverbs 7:6-27) – I find it so interesting that this passage is written from the perspective of a loving father who is actively warning and teaching his son. Isn’t that what we parents should always do for our children – educate them about forces and people who do not have their best interests at heart? He pulls no punches with all the erotic imagery and detail of the temptations facing this young man!
  • The Sexual Predator (2 Samuel 13:1-22) – Let’s not forget that men as well as women can be conniving temptors and seducers. The Bible doesn’t discriminate between genders! Their methods may vary, but it is still sin – and it still has horrific consequences for its victims, who may be women and children who are completely innocent.
  • My Body, His Temple (1 Corinthians 6:12-20) – This passage packs a powerhouse! Instead of us seeing ourselves in terms of “My Body,” this passage instructs us to see ourselves in terms of “God’s Temple.” We are not our own anymore, but bought at a great price – a price that included the death of our Lord and Savior. Related resource: Check out this great YouTube video by Tim Mackie, which addresses broken sexuality around the 35-minute mark. He explains why the Christian view of sexuality “is actually the highest view” versus the world’s view, which wants us to devalue sex. “Sex matters a lot, our bodies matter a lot, and the Spirit is all about the redemption of our bodies.”
  • The Great Mystery (Ephesians 5:15-33) – No matter how often I study this passage and meditate on its imagery, I know I’ve barely scratched the surface on this glorious passage! How incredibly mind-blowing to think that every Christian marriage is in some way a symbol, a sacrament that represents the sacred union between Jesus Christ and His Church. “For we are members of His body.”

Do you have any Bible passages on sex education that you would add to this list? Let us know in the comments or in a message!

By Shanxi

Providing the foundation for healthy, lively & even fun (gasp!) discussions of human sexuality from a Biblical perspective. Sex education made simple. Started by homeschool families, for homeschool families.


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