
You may remember me from the old HomeschoolBlogger where I was then called the Senior Editor. I am currently the Senior Admin.

Just as my title has changed slightly, so has my blog title, Sage Rat Scribbles. It used be Sagerat, as one word, but a lot of people misread it and thought it was sag e rat, or some other interesting combination of mispronunciation. So I fixed it.

Finally, the last change is of course on what I’ll be writing about. My four children are all adults now. We no longer homeschool, and we have all grown into our different lives. It’s what all evolving families do. We can’t remain stagnant, although sometimes it feels like it, and sometimes I wish we could have.

What has remained the same is that we all still live in Oregon. I’m still married to my husband, Todd. We still love to go camping, and I still love to read and write. Above all, my allegiance is still to God alone.